Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose(Lebitso la INN:Hypromelulose), hape e khutsufalitsoe joalo kahydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), ke mefuta e fapaneng ea li-ether tse se nang ionic cellulose. Ke polymer ea semi-synthetic, e sa sebetseng, e nang le viscoelastic eo hangata e sebelisoang e le setlolo sa ophthalmology, kapa e le tlatsetso kapa se thusang meriana ea molomo, e fumanehang hangata mefuteng e fapaneng ea thepa.
E le tlatsetso ea lijo, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose e ka bapala likarolo tse latelang: emulsifier, thickener, suspension agent, le sebaka sa gelatin ea liphoofolo. Codex Alimentarius khoutu ea eona ke E464.
thepa ea lik'hemik'hale
Sehlahisoa se felileng sahydroxypropyl methyl celluloseke phofo e tšoeu kapa e tšoeu e hlephileng e tiileng, e nang le karoloana e fetang har'a sefene sa 80 mesh. Likarolo tse fapaneng tsa dikahare tsa methoxy le hydroxypropyl le viscosity ea sehlahisoa se felileng se etsa hore e be mefuta e fapaneng e nang le phapang ea ts'ebetso. E na le litšobotsi tsa ho qhibiliha ka metsing a batang le ho sa qhibilihe metsing a chesang a tšoanang le methylcellulose, 'me ho qhibiliha ha eona ka har'a li-solvents ho feta metsi. E ka qhibiliha ka methanol ea anhydrous le ethanol, hammoho le li-hydrocarbon tse chlorinated tse kang dichloromethane, trichloroethane, le metsoako ea tlhaho e kang acetone, isopropanol, le joala ba diacetone. Ha e qhibiliha ka metsing, e kopana le limolek'hule tsa metsi ho etsa colloid. E tsitsitse ho li-acids le metheo mme ha e amehe ka har'a pH ea 2-12. Le hoja hydroxypropyl methylcellulose e se chefo, e ka tuka 'me e ka itšoara ka mabifi ka li-oxidants [5].
The viscosity eaLihlahisoa tsa HPMCe eketseha ka ho eketseha ha mahloriso le boima ba limolek'hule. Ha mocheso o phahama, viscosity e qala ho fokotseha. Ha mocheso o fihla mocheso o itseng, viscosity e phahama ka tšohanyetso 'me gel e etsahala. Mocheso oa gel oa lihlahisoa tse tlaase tsa viscosity o phahame ho feta oa lihlahisoa tse phahameng tsa viscosity. Tharollo ea eona ea metsi e tsitsitse mocheso oa kamore 'me ka kakaretso ha e na ho senyeha ha viscosity ntle le ho senyeha ha enzymatic. E na le thepa e khethehileng ea gelling ea mocheso, ts'ebetso e ntle ea ho etsa filimi le ts'ebetso ea holim'a metsi.
Ka mor'a hore cellulose e phekoloe ka alkali, alkoxy anion e hlahisoang ke hydroxyl deprotonation e ka kenngoa ho epoxy propane ho hlahisa.hydroxypropyl cellulose ether; E ka boela ea kopana le methyl chloride ho hlahisa methyl cellulose ether. Ha liketso tsena ka bobeli li etsahala ka nako e le 'ngoe,hydroxypropyl methyl cellulosee hlahisoa.
Tšebeliso eahydroxypropyl methyl cellulosee tšoana le tse lingli-cellulose ethers, haholo-holo e sebelisoang e le dispersant, suspension agent, thickener, emulsifier, stabilizer, le sekhomaretsi masimong a sa tšoaneng. E phahametse tse ling tsa cellulose ethers mabapi le ho solubility, dispersibility, transparency, le ho hanyetsa enzyme.
Ka indasteri ea lijo le ea meriana, e sebelisoa e le tlatsetso. Ka lebaka la thepa ea eona ea sekhomaretsi, thepa ea ho etsa lifilimi, ho teteka le ho hasana ka metsi, hammoho le bokhoni ba eona ba ho thibela ho kenella ha oli le ho boloka mongobo, e sebelisoa e le sekhomaretsi, setenya, se qhalakanya, se fokotsang, se tsitsitseng, le emulsifier. Ha e na chefo, ha e na boleng ba phepo e nepahetseng, ebile ha e na liphetoho tsa metabolic.
Holim'a moo,HPMCe na le ts'ebeliso ho karabelo ea synthetic resin polymerization, lik'hemik'hale tsa petrole, lirafshoa, ho etsa pampiri, letlalo, litlolo, lirafshoa, thepa ea moaho le lipoleiti tsa khatiso tse nkang lifoto.
Nako ea poso: Sep-04-2023